‘Venom: The Last Dance’ is here, with a cinematic double egg bridging the story lines of the MCU universe!

Venom: The Last Dance is finally coming! Marvel and Sony have always been splitting up these past few years, even almost screwing up the big Spider-Man 3 movie. And the story of Venom 3 starts with the movie Spider-Man: Heroes Don’t Return, when Peter Parker’s identity was revealed, causing his life to be severely affected.

In order to help Peter Parker solve his problems, Dr. Strange uses the “Oblivion Spell” to distort time and space, intending to change everyone’s memories, but Peter Parker interrupts in the middle of the spell, and ends up messing up all the parallel universes, resulting in Spider-Man’s arch-enemies from all time and space coming together and launching a general attack on Spider-Man. At the same time, Venom was summoned into the MCU universe along with him.

There is an egg at the end of Venom 2. Eddie and Venom were lying on the bed together watching TV, and the TV was playing the exact same storyline of Peter and his girlfriend, and then, space was shaking badly and even some distortions appeared, and when everything was calm again, Eddie realized that everything had changed, and that Spider-Man in this universe was not from his own universe at all, but was Peter Parker in the MCU Universe, which means that this was the worldview of the main Marvel Universe.

Venom was so excited that he licked the screen, while Eddie felt very helpless and didn’t explain anything to his family.

There’s also an egg at the end of Spider-Man: No Return of Heroes that happens to correlate with the previous egg. At that time Eddie was getting used to the MCU universe and was talking to the bartender about something when time and space warped again and he was sent back to his own universe.

One bug in the movie, though, is that Venom doesn’t go back completely, but leaves behind a shattered piece that will serve as a subsequent ambush, and the Director will continue to analyze it later. What actually happens here is that Dr. Strange drives the magic again at the end of the movie, sending all the villains back to their own universe, and causing Venom to be sent back as well, when in fact, Venom didn’t do anything and was driven back.

These two eggs seem to be the pull between Marvel and Sony, Marvel has been trying to dominate the Spider-Man universe, not wanting to let Sony’s hero IP get out of control, while Sony has been trying to build their own Spider-universe, and will be their Venom IP constantly associated with it, but the final ending is still being knocked back to the original by Marvel, so in the ending of Spider-Man: Heroes Don’t Return, Eddie and Venom wait to run on empty, and did not do anything! get done, and were knocked back into the original universe.

Now Sony has created Venom 3: The Last Dance, which once again introduces the MCU setting. The trailer has a clip that brings back the bartender. The bartender has taken off his pompadour and is about to touch the pieces of Venom with his bare hands when a man who looks like Baron Mordo appears, stops him, and puts the Venom in a bottle.

The Director speculates that this man is not the blackened Baron Mordo, but a cameo appearance by the actor. At this point, the movie shows us the entirety of Area 51, specifically that we are not the only ones in the universe, but that there are countless alien civilizations, of which Venom is one. Nowadays, human beings have discovered countless variants of Venom, these variants are yellow-blooded monsters and red-blooded monsters, and they have already flooded the Earth, human beings have also established the “anti-Venom” special task force, and started to capture all the Venom variants on the Earth.

A female doctor has been in charge of researching these variants and guarding the secret, suggesting that the ruling class has not publicized the secret of the aliens’ existence.

A serious logic problem here is why the bartender and the Venom shard came back to the Spider-Verse. It’s possible that after Venom was sent back to the Spider-Verse by Dr. Strange, the bartender followed up with the help of a temporal rift and came to the Spider-Verse along with him. In fact, the root cause is that Sony once again fell out with Marvel, so they can not continue to extend the MCU setting, originally “Venom: The Last Dance” may be shot in the MCU universe, but again by Marvel to drive back. Therefore, only made this mess, is the same as saying that the previous egg padding all for nothing. And Sony, in order to complete their own movie shooting, can only engage in some time and space bugs, forcing the completion of the plot construction.

In fact, these variants of Venom are all sent by the generals of Planet Venom to hunt down Eddie. Because in the first Venom movie, Venom beat his own kind to death and betrayed his own people. So the great general of Venom’s home planet has given a hunting order that as long as Venom doesn’t die, everyone on Earth will be terminated. From this information, we can see that Venom will probably hang up this time, just like Iron Man, which also coincides with the “last dance” in the title of the movie.

In the last scene of the movie, Eddie is hiding in the ruins of the helicopter when Venom says “Eddie, it’s time”. This suggests that Eddie may end Venom’s life himself in order to save the people of Earth. Because Venom’s home planet has sent “yellow blood monster” this monster size is very huge, Venom is not its opponent, and the general will come, there will be a steady stream of Venom variant emergence, then is the end of the world. Therefore, Venom must stand up without hesitation, to sacrifice himself, to complete the final redemption.

All of this actually mirrors the beginning of the trailer, as it opens with a very rudimentary line from Eddie as he punishes the three baddies with Venom – we are Venom. Is this line the same as what Iron Man said, before he died, for the sake of pretense, when Iron Man said – I am Iron Man. The subtext of that statement is that Venom is going to be sacrificed, and it’s a big, righteous sacrifice, a death to save the world. These are basically the plot of Venom: The Last Dance, and it’s likely that the series is going to wrap up on this note, much like Spider-Man: Heroes Don’t Return, with a kind of melodramatic ending.