Mænd & høns:Any form of life that exists deserves to be respected.

God dealt mankind a bad hand, but we played it beautifully in an ugly way. Life is life, by whatever hand and wherever it comes from, and it deserves the same respect! The movie unfolds slowly with this extravagant voice.

   The characters are simple and straightforward: a brother Rebekah who jerks off a lot and is stubborn. A rational, intelligent and curious brother with a vomiting habit to find the genetics, genetic recombination professor father process. Slowly the search process advances step by step. Meet the other three brothers, led by violence. And discovered the secret of their sex with animals. And love to run in the night and like to steal cheese and a little smart fat brother and the same loyal and curious and will be forced to bite the other three groups. The five brothers, except for the vomiting brother is a college teacher and writes with self-thought, the other four people have a similar animalistic personality exists among them. The most normal one is the brother who vomits from time to time. In order to change their living environment and give them the ability to think independently. Gradually took on the role of the father who has died. The whole film begins with a unique dark humor set up with the extreme simplicity of the relationship between the characters to ironize the whole group of people in the collective. In this way, it also mocks God and the Bible.

God dealt mankind a bad hand, but we played it beautifully in an ugly way. Life is life, by whatever hand and wherever it comes from, and it deserves the same respect! The movie unfolds slowly with this extravagant voice.

   The characters are simple and straightforward: a brother Rebekah who jerks off a lot and is stubborn. A rational, intelligent and curious brother with a vomiting habit to find the genetics, genetic recombination professor father process. Slowly the search process advances step by step. Meet the other three brothers, led by violence. And discovered the secret of their sex with animals. And love to run in the night and like to steal cheese and a little smart fat brother and the same loyal and curious and will be forced to bite the other three groups. The five brothers, except for the vomiting brother is a college teacher and writes with self-thought, the other four people have a similar animalistic personality exists among them. The most normal one is the brother who vomits from time to time. In order to change their living environment and give them the ability to think independently. Gradually took on the role of the father who has died. The whole film begins with a unique dark humor set up with the extreme simplicity of the relationship between the characters to ironize the whole group of people in the collective. In this way, it also mocks God and the Bible.

    Gabriel and his brother are named after the archangels and wise men in the Bible. The names of the three brothers are also biblical names of people who were just born but whose mothers died. Just like the terrier who pulled his dick and died. Their father, however, did not allow them to read the Bible as if he were a dictator. Instead, he gave them biblical names. In a small group of five people it is generally believed that the weakest is the owl. The dog was thought to be the fiercest and had priority. But in the end it was the owl, the weakest of all, who saved the day. Exposed the lie, is not very ironic. The five of them and different beast fund combination are born with a dominant gene. And rats fused with the fat love to steal cheese and night running. The dog fused with the loyal, curious and relatively normal appearance and love to find women. Those fused with cows must jerk off every day and have a pronounced and stubborn propensity for violence. The big brother fused with the chicken is the most animalistic genetic component, so it is the most beast-like in appearance and as violent as a fighting chicken. Aggressive. The fusion with the owl can read at night, and anti-puke. The only thing is that he is the least bestial of the genes so he is also the most intelligent. We take these genetic characteristics that can be dominant and bestiality to the same normal human violence, sexuality, lies, evil that we call people and these animals are no different. Just like the mayor’s daughter who spits back. We are not really perfect people, we are human beings who need guidance and indoctrination with bestiality. Often, we are taught to be powerless, and the weakest. But they are the most thoughtful. Here is the proof of the opening sentence. “God gave mankind a bad hand, but we played it beautifully in an ugly way.” We humans also do the same, so that the technology and civilization that has flourished until now did not disappear in the long history of bestiality but also ironically human beings, can not face their shortcomings to escape thought of using the natural selection and evolution to cover up their hypocritical face.

    When the boss took three brothers to the old people’s home to find a woman but the most need for women he did not get what he wanted. Powerful jealousy and imbalance made him go into the cowshed when he saw the breeding cattle do not need to move every day waiting for his brothers to breed him, can be free sex after his anger and jealousy and then killed the cattle. And the most primitive desire to vent on the once most disdain and despise the chicken body. The patricide here I think is a bit of verification of the coincidence between the five brothers at the most harmonious time when sitting around the fireplace reading the Bible about Isaac and God’s patricide. If there is a deeper meaning is that when we have no ability to think and think independently we should learn to read, not only the Bible but also other things to gain knowledge. When we start to know how to read and think and express our opinions, we should not just copy what is written in the book, but learn to question and prove it, just like patricide. Just as everyone is using evolution as the supreme law, so does evolution need to be questioned.

   Just as each of the main characters in this movie played a bad hand later. Life is life. No matter what form or who it came from. Or the kind of life. It is a living life. It deserves respect. Because we were once ugly and ugly people are now also but with this ugly way to fight beautiful. Use the old saying, “It’s better to believe in all the books than none at all”. Learn to question and tolerate.

   Mapping Denmark once had a law that sex without harming animals was not considered a crime and even once had an animal brothel to now repeal I think is also saying the same, do not discriminate against any way or sexual desire or action between species. Here is the irony of both the repealed law and the irony of bestiality.

  Five people lines advance the movie to give more respect to any life and more questioning of any authority. That’s how humans keep getting better and uglier.

    Gabriel and his brother are named after the archangels and wise men in the Bible. The names of the three brothers are also biblical names of people who were just born but whose mothers died. Just like the terrier who pulled his dick and died. Their father, however, did not allow them to read the Bible as if he were a dictator. Instead, he gave them biblical names. In a small group of five people it is generally believed that the weakest is the owl. The dog was thought to be the fiercest and had priority. But in the end it was the owl, the weakest of all, who saved the day. Exposed the lie, is not very ironic. The five of them and different beast fund combination are born with a dominant gene. And rats fused with the fat love to steal cheese and night running. The dog fused with the loyal, curious and relatively normal appearance and love to find women. Those fused with cows must jerk off every day and have a pronounced and stubborn propensity for violence. The big brother fused with the chicken is the most animalistic genetic component, so it is the most beast-like in appearance and as violent as a fighting chicken. Aggressive. The fusion with the owl can read at night, and anti-puke. The only thing is that he is the least bestial of the genes so he is also the most intelligent. We take these genetic characteristics that can be dominant and bestiality to the same normal human violence, sexuality, lies, evil that we call people and these animals are no different. Just like the mayor’s daughter who spits back. We are not really perfect people, we are human beings who need guidance and indoctrination with bestiality. Often, we are taught to be powerless, and the weakest. But they are the most thoughtful. Here is the proof of the opening sentence. “God gave mankind a bad hand, but we played it beautifully in an ugly way.” We humans also do the same, so that the technology and civilization that has flourished until now did not disappear in the long history of bestiality but also ironically human beings, can not face their shortcomings to escape thought of using the natural selection and evolution to cover up their hypocritical face.

    When the boss took three brothers to the old people’s home to find a woman but the most need for women he did not get what he wanted. Powerful jealousy and imbalance made him go into the cowshed when he saw the breeding cattle do not need to move every day waiting for his brothers to breed him, can be free sex after his anger and jealousy and then killed the cattle. And the most primitive desire to vent on the once most disdain and despise the chicken body. The patricide here I think is a bit of verification of the coincidence between the five brothers at the most harmonious time when sitting around the fireplace reading the Bible about Isaac and God’s patricide. If there is a deeper meaning is that when we have no ability to think and think independently we should learn to read, not only the Bible but also other things to gain knowledge. When we start to know how to read and think and express our opinions, we should not just copy what is written in the book, but learn to question and prove it, just like patricide. Just as everyone is using evolution as the supreme law, so does evolution need to be questioned.

   Just as each of the main characters in this movie played a bad hand later. Life is life. No matter what form or who it came from. Or the kind of life. It is a living life. It deserves respect. Because we were once ugly and ugly people are now also but with this ugly way to fight beautiful. Use the old saying, “It’s better to believe in all the books than none at all”. Learn to question and tolerate.

   Mapping Denmark once had a law that sex without harming animals was not considered a crime and even once had an animal brothel to now repeal I think is also saying the same, do not discriminate against any way or sexual desire or action between species. Here is the irony of both the repealed law and the irony of bestiality.

  Five people lines advance the movie to give more respect to any life and more questioning of any authority. That’s how humans keep getting better and uglier.